
Critical Tips for Working from Home

August 27, 2020

What was once a sought-after perk of certain jobs is now the new normal for much of the world’s workforce. While remote work comes with many upsides and is seen by many as one of the silver linings of COVID-19, doing it in a productive way can be a challenge.

From organizing your workspace to organizing your schedule — it takes time to get used to working from home, but once you do, it’s well worth it!

Here are a few important tips when it comes to creating a work from home environment that works for you!

Schedule + Routine

1. Establish a morning routine

Without the accountability of working in an office space, it can be tempting to stay up late and sleep late. Establishing a morning routine that you can keep up from home will help you start your day intentionally and continue to be productive as you roll into the afternoon. A morning routine doesn’t necessarily mean getting up at 5:00 AM to run four miles. It could be as simple as setting your alarm with enough time to make your coffee, shower, and get dressed. As long as your rhythm works for you, you’re off to the right start!

2. Schedule Breaks

Your coworkers are miles away, and your watercooler conversations are now with your screaming kids, but it’s still important to schedule breaks and take them routinely throughout your day. Taking breaks will give your mind a break and give you some time to get up from your desk and move your body.

3. Work-life balance

Without the separation of home and office, it can be hard to stop working when you’re technically off the clock. While working from home can sometimes mean a little more flexibility when it comes to working hours, it’s still ideal to have some structure around when you start and stop work. Decide when you’re “clocking out” and stick to it, whether that means turning your phone off or logging out of your email. Give yourself a break and reserve evenings for yourself.

Office Space

1. Create a separate workspace

Speaking of work-life balance, creating a unique space for your office will help provide separation between your home-life and work-life. It also helps provide necessary boundaries with your family or roommates. When you have an office door that you can close for a dedicated “focus time,” you’ll be able to create a physical and mental boundary that will keep your home-life healthy while working from home.

2. Invest in quality office items

Whether remote work is your norm or you’re merely making it work during this COVID-19 season, it’s a good idea to invest in your physical workspace. While you likely don’t have access to all of the tools and resources you are used to having in the office, there are a few simple changes that will go a long way. Do you ever get those late afternoon headaches? You likely need to reconsider your computer’s position to be about two inches below eye-level. If you’re working for a company, you might even consider asking them to cover your home office items’ cost.

3. Get yourself a standing desk

If you’re working from a dining room table, invest in a desk and a nice office chair or, even better, a standing desk, which allows you to transition from sitting to standing throughout the day! Not only do standing desks help decrease back pain and increase productivity, but they are also linked to lowering obesity, blood sugar, and heart disease! Click here to learn more about the many benefits of standing desks and why you should consider investing in one.


1. Establish systems for communication

If you’re working for a company, you’ll likely already have systems in place for productive communication. However, if you’re working for yourself, it’s key to establish communication systems that work for you, especially in the world of remote work. If you’re leading a team that is adjusting to remote work and hasn’t yet found a system that works, consider picking one method and sticking to it. If your team picks something like Slack, stay committed to that method so that all of your communication is in one place. For meetings that happen over Zoom, be sure to take notes or record the call so you can refer back to those meetings for future reference.

2. Create expectations for those around you

The reality is that working from home requires a higher level of communication than working in an office ever does — with your coworkers, bosses, and family members. With more communication comes a need for more specific expectations. To create a productive work-from-home environment, take some time to discuss expectations with those around you.

For instance, if you’re able, have open conversations with your coworkers and leaders about your hours — they might be working at all hours of the night, but you’re not. At the same time, talk to your partner and children about expectations for working from home. Just because you’re home doesn’t mean you can spend time with them during the workday.

Whether working from home is your personal fairytale or you’re merely getting by, take some time to set up structures and systems so you can be as productive as possible during this season.

Are you looking for more ways to create work-life balance while working from home? AGL: Coaching for Good is here to help! Start your coaching journey today!

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